
Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand

Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand


Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand, Hello!! Every heartily welcome 99naukri. 99naukri.co is one of the leading advertising on online plat from. Here we connect people to their ideal Jobs so they can achieve their career goals easily. Here you can gate many chances to achieve your goals for your golden future. don’t waste your time. we are helping to get your dreams.

100 % of real jobs. You don’t have to pay any cost to apply for this job you should not miss this golden chance. Here we have the new job vacancy positions in New Zealand.

Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand
Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand



  1. Production Workers:- 700 Nos.
  2. Factory Workers:- 600 Nos.


  • Your basic salary will be $1500 – $3000 per Month.
  • The company will provide food, accommodation, and medical expenses.
  • You’re every year salary will be increased if your performance is higher.\
  • You can expect approximately 50 hours per week, on 6 days on and 2 days off roster, 5 am starts.


  1. High school or diploma
  2. Must have a valid driver’s license.
  3. Exceptional interpersonal communication skills in English.


  1. The ability to work on a rostered shift basis
  2. Great communication skills
  3. Highly organized

Applicants will have the following:

  1. Be Physically Fit
  2. A CV with work experience and referees.
  3. Drug-Free
  4. Reliable and Wants to work attitude.



  • Excellent Salary.
  • Yearly Vacation with air ticket and bonus
  • Free accommodations
  • Working hours will be 8 to 10 hours a day
  • After the 2nd contracts, you can apply PR.

For all applicants applying – you must hold a full or restricted driver’s license. For overseas applicants – you must hold a valid full driver’s license from your country or an international driver’s license.

Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand

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How to Apply

  • Fresh CV/biodata
  • passport size clear photo

To apply for the job click here .. also share this job to help other

Be careful – Don’t provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs.

If you see something suspicious, Please inform us  We are active as soon as possible: 99naukri@gmail.com and Facebook:- @jobs info


Tomato Farm Jobs New Zealand

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